

    Best Starter DPS Builds | New World

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    Best Starter DPS Builds | New World

    These are the Best DPS Builds for a new character in New World! Read on to see the best weapons, armor, attributes, and skills to deal incredible amounts of damage against any threat at the early stages of the game!

    Table of Contents

    DPS Starter Builds

    AoE Axe Duo Build Stats and Purpose


    Build PurposePvE
    Stat PriorityStrength → Constitution

    Minimum Skill Point Requirement

    Minimum Skill Points
    Great Axe ImageGreat Axe8
    Hatchet ImageHatchet6

    AoE Great Axe / Hatchet Duo Weapon Type and Skills

    1st Weapon2nd Weapon
    Great Axe ImageGreat AxeHatchet ImageHatchet
    Active Skills
    New World - ReapReap
    New World - MaelstromMaelstrom
    New World - WhirlwindWhirlwind
    New World - BerserkBerserk
    New World - Rending ThrowRending Throw
    Passive Skills
    New World - StormStorm’s Reach
    New World - Gusting WindsGusting Winds
    New World - Unending WindsUnending Winds
    New World - SurroundedSurrounded
    New World - Center Of AttentionCenter Of Attention
    New World - Aimed ThrowAimed Throw
    New World - On The HuntOn The Hunt
    New World - Berserking RefreshBerserking Refresh
    New World - Against All OddsAgainst All Odds

    Your main luring tool and single target DPS tool will be the Hatchet. When on the map, use your throw attacks to hit targets from afar. Doing so will make it easy to make all your targets converge in one area (you) then unleash your War Axe’s spin to demolish them all. Rending Throw and Berserk are your anti-boss tool, reduce their Armor and increase your Damage and go wild and spam your attacks until they die.

    Best Armor Type for Double Axe DPS Build

    Weight Type: Heavy
    Headwear IconHeavy

    (Strength and Constitution)

    Torso IconHeavy

    (Strength and Constitution)


    (Strength and Constitution)


    (Strength and Constitution)


    (Strength and Constitution)

    Build Playstyle

    A semi tank DPS build that allows you to stay on the frontline while dealing massive amounts of damage. It is not great for PvP but its reliability when dealing with hordes of enemies makes it a good starting set to use while grinding your way to the later stages of the game. The Hatchet is great both for boss battles and luring by using its throws while the Great Axe’s AoE damage is useful for clearing the Lured mobs. Its a PvE focused build and should be easy to use for power leveling and clearing quests early on.

    Musket Rapier Build Stats and Purpose


    Stat PriorityDexterity → Intelligence
    Build PurposePvE farming

    Skill Allocation

    Minimum Skill Points
    Musket ImageMusket8
    Rapier ImageRapier9

    Musket / Rapier Build Weapon Type and Skills

    1st Weapon2nd Weapon
    Musket ImageMusketRapier ImageRapier
    Active Skills
    New World - Powder BurnPowder Burn
    New World - ShooterShooter’s Stance
    New World - Sticky BombSticky Bomb
    New World - FlurryFlurry
    New World - RiposteRiposte
    New World - FlecheFleche
    Passive Skills
    New World - Back it UpBack it Up
    New World - BackdraftBackdraft
    New World - Weakened DefenseWeakened Defense
    New World - Critical ReloadCritical Reload
    New World - Empowering HeadshotEmpowering Headshot
    New World - Controlled BreathingControlled Breathing
    New World - Quick LungeQuick Lunge
    New World - OverwhelmOverwhelm
    New World - Fleeting StrikesFleeting Strikes
    New World - To The BoneTo The Bone
    New World - FinalizeFinalize

    A Musket setup that aims to maximize your damage while in Shooter’s StancePowder Burn is a better DPS skill compared to Power Shot and it provides some nice bonus to our damage while in Rapid Fire while enemies are burning via Backdraft.

    Back it Up is a useful kiting skill and Weakened Defense is great for enemies that are turtling in their Shield. Use Sticky Bomb as an engage tool to disable enemies then apply DPS via Rapid Fire or as a finisher by following it up Fleche execute.

    While the Bleed extension is wasted on the Rapier setup, we are still able to get a steady counter attack combo via Flurry and Riposte. The Finalize stagger also makes finishing the fight with Fleche much easier.

    Best Armor Type for the Musket / Rapier Build

    Weight Type: Light
    Headwear IconLight/Mid

    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)

    Torso IconLight

    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)


    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)


    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)


    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)

    While we recommend some slots are fine to be middle weight armor, we’d want our overall weight to be on the light category to maximize our damage. We also want to stay light to maximize our mobility so we can easily get some space between us and our enemies if they’re not yet on critical HP for a Fleche execute.

    Build Playstyle

    A full DPS setup which is effective for damage and disables. Both weapons rely on Dexterity as a primary stat and Intelligence as secondary so stat allocation is easier as well. For the Rapier, we focus on utilizing Fleche’s cooldown resets since we initially deal damage from afar and we let enemies approach us for the execute once they’re in melee combat. Lure with high burst from the Musket then kill!

    Bleed DoT Rapier Gauntlet Build

    New World - Rapier and Ice Gauntlet Combo.png

    Build Stats and Purpose

    Stat PriorityIntelligence → Dexterity → Constitution
    Build PurposeGeneral (PvP and PvE) but with more focus on PvP

    Skill Allocation

    Minimum Skill Points
    Rapier ImageRapier6
    Ice Gauntlet ImageIce Gauntlet6
    1st Weapon2nd Weapon
    Rapier ImageRapierIce Gauntlet ImageIce Gauntlet
    Active Skills
    New World - TondoTondo
    New World - EvadeEvade
    New World - RiposteRiposte
    New World - Ice PylonIce Pylon
    New World - Ice StormIce Storm
    New World - EntombedEntombed
    Passive Skills
    New World - UnerringUnerring
    New World - Thirst For BloodThirst For Blood
    New World - Heavy PunctureHeavy Puncture
    New World - Critical RejuvenationCritical Rejuvenation
    New World - Greater PylonGreater Pylon
    New World - Weakening GustWeakening Gust

    Tondo is our main DoT skill in our Bleed build. Unerring for extra Bleed DPS, Thirst for Blood for more Tondo and to gain access to the 4th row skill Heavy Puncture that extends existing bleed effects. Heavy Puncture grants us more value the more bleed stacks we get from Tondo as well so it is suggested to always have Rapier as your active weapon unless you’re attacking from a distance/setting up Pylons and Ice Storms.

    The Ice Gauntlet setup allows us to use Ice Pylon and Ice Storm which are two DoTs to help us in providing more damage to our enemy. Critical Rejuvenation is taken for a rank 1 skill to learn Ice StormGreater Pylon and Weakening Gust for bonus damage so just cast these two skills and protect yourself via Entombed or Riposte.

    Best Armor Type for Rapier / Ice Gauntlet Build

    Weight Type: Light / Medium
    Headwear IconLight/Mid

    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)

    Torso IconLight

    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)


    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)


    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)


    Trickster or Occultist
    (Dex/Int or Int/Constitution)

    Light Armor or Medium weight Armor both works with the build. Light Armor improves our mobility which is great for playing the Rapier and Medium Weight is great to increase our ability to take damage from enemies. No matter what armor weight type you choose, make sure that your Armor’s statline is focusing on either Dex or Intelligence (or both) to maximize your DPS.

    Build Playstyle

    This is a build that focuses on applying DoT instead of huge single damage. We make use of the Gauntlet’s DoT skills like Ice Pylon and Ice Storm. This is a build that is focused on single target damage so it is effective against bosses and 1 on 1 PvP battles. Aside from DoTs, you also have Entombed from the Ice Gauntlet and Evade   Riposte from the Rapier to make yourself hard to kill.

    Last but not least

    Cheap New World Coins are being sold on FarmGolds. Our website has a good reputation and high-quality service. Don’t hesitate to buy coins now and build a strong economic foundation for yourself.


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