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Pay via Western Union online or at a WU location.
Send money online via Or go to a local participating Western Union location.
Please also fill the receiver name which is us: FarmGolds and if possible your Order ID like (FGS21101608305305) as the additional information of the payment amount.
Receiver's Name: The First Name is Cuihua and the Last Name is Wang. Be sure to fill the right Receiver's Name in order to avoid any loss! Thank you!
City: Changsha
State: Hunan
Country: China
Phone number: +86 17775809883
Email: [email protected]
Please contact us via live chat or other methods and we can help you with the process. Our support agent will be able to guide you through the process or answer any questions you have about sending us money via WU.
Once you have sent the money via WU you will receive a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN). Please keep this number as it helps track the payment.
Provide us with the following info via Live Chat:
1.MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number).
2.Your First Name and Last Name
3.The Country for your payment.
4.The Amount of your payment currency.
To track your transfer click the Track transfer button on or visit this link Track. Once our agent confirms the payment we can then complete your order.
Verify your order amount with us on live chat and the game you selected. We will login to send you gold, gil, etc or complete the service you ordered.