

    New World Engineering Guide

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    Introduction to Engineering in New World

    Leveling Engineer

    Enhancing Your Engineering

    Engineering Artifacts

    Engineering Experience Table


    Introduction to Engineering in New World

    The Engineering Trade Skill in New World allows players to craft muskets, bows, bullets, arrows, mining picks, harvesting sickles, logging axes, skinning knives, fishing poles, and a few quality of life items.


    To get started with Engineering you will need to gather resources to craft. Once the resources have been obtained you will be using the Workshop (Arrow/Musket icon on map) to craft anything Engineering. A tier 1 Camp Fire works for Flint Tools, but nothing else for Engineering. Walk up to the Workshop and press your default interact button, “E”, to open the crafting window.



    It is important to note the tier of the Workshop you are using as it determines what tier items you can craft:

    · Camp Fire T1: Flint Tools

    · Workshop T2: 1-49 Recipes

    · Workshop T3: 50-99 Recipes

    ·  Workshop T4: 100-149 Recipes

    · Workshop T5: 150+ Recipes


    When you are at the crafting station and have the resources, you will want to open the crafting menu and select what you want to craft. Once you’ve selected the item to craft, you can click the blue CRAFT button to craft the item. If you wish to craft more than one you can move the slider above it and select how many you wish to bulk craft. 


    Most of the time when you craft an item at the Workshop you are awarded with Engineering experience. The amount of experience for crafting an item can be found under the blue CRAFT button in the crafting screen. An exception are the Flint tools as seen above. Engineering level cap is 200.


    When crafting an item Tier 2 or higher, the first item in the craft must match the same tier as the item you are crafting. For example the Starmetal Mining Pick (seen below) is a Tier 4 Mining Pick so it requires the Tier 4 Metal Ingot to craft it as the primary material (Starmetal Ingot, Blessed Crucible, or Azurite Chunk). The secondary materials are not restricted to the tier requirement making it so you may use lesser or greater tiered materials in the craft. (See our Crafting & Yield Chances guide to see how it affects Gear Score)



    Leveling Engineer

    Information in this section contains what I, Mala Zedik, feel is a way to level your Engineering Trade Skill. You are in no way restricted to this method. I expect you to diverge from it depending on material availability, refining proc chances, and market price values. I will explain all my reasons behind each section so that you may make an educated choice in what works best for you.


    I do not take into consideration the proc chances for the refining process as it is not the only method of obtaining the materials to craft and the proc chance depends on level & resources used. Some players may want to spend gold to buy all/some of the materials from the trade stations!


    If there is a need for tools then feel free to craft them over the suggestions I am about to talk about as they will yield more gold for you. My main objective with the leveling process is the fastest way to level up Engineering. 


    Levels 1 - 50 (Tier 2 Crafting)

    You will need a total of 11,125 experience to reach level 50. Tier 2 crafting for Engineering follows this formula for experience: [Number of Materials * 12 Experience = Experience Output].


    Let's take Gunpowder for this example. This item requires 8 items to craft it; 5 Charcoal, 2 Flint, and 1 Saltpeter. When multiplied by the Tier Experience value of 12 it will provide us with a total of 96 experience to craft it. 


    My suggestion for leveling this tier is to craft 116 Gunpowder for a total of 11,136 experience. Since this craft provides you with x5 per craft you should end up with 580 Gunpowder after crafting. Gunpowder takes 5x Charcoal, 2x Flint, and 1x Saltpeter to craft.  

    Total required materials:

    · 580x Charcoal

    · 232x Flint

    · 116x Saltpeter

    Base materials for up-crafting:

    · 1,160x Green Wood -> Charcoal


    Gunpowder’s base tax value is 0.05. Without any tax modifiers you will need to spend 5.80 crowns/gold to just craft them. Additionally you will need 5.80 crowns/gold if you plan to refine the charcoal. 


    Here are my reasons for the Gunpowder; charcoal is easy to obtain from cutting down trees and smelting it. Flint is easy to find on the beach/shore line. Saltpeter is easy to obtain at the starting area of Windsward in the Torrentdawn Cave. Saves a lot of money as well since the Flint/Saltpeter are raw materials saving you on the refining costs and the Gunpowder is the cheapest item to craft for this tier.  



    Levels 51 - 100 (Tier 3 Crafting)

    You will need a total of 97,375 experience to reach level 100, which is only an additional 86,239 experience if you are following along. Tier 3 crafting for Engineering follows this formula for experience: [Number of Materials * 30 Experience = Experience Output].


    My suggestion for leveling this tier is to craft 160 Aged Wood Fishing Pole for a total of 86,400 experience. It takes 13x Tier 3 Refined Wood, 3x Leathers, and 2x Cloths. 

    Total required materials:

    · 2,080x Lumber

    · 480x Coarse Leather

    · 320x Linen 

    Base materials for up-crafting:

    · 16,640x Green Wood -> Timber

    · 8,320x Aged Wood -> Lumber

    · 2,080x Sandpaper -> Lumber

    · 1,920x Rawhide -> Coarse Leather

    · 1,280x Fiber -> Linen


    With the weight system in New World, you will want to spread out your crafts. It’s not impossible to do all the crafts at once if the materials are all refined; however if you have all the raw resources you will not have enough carry weight to hold it all. It’s something to keep in mind while gathering the resources and preparing the crafting for them. 


    Aged Wood Fishing Pole’s base tax value is 0.75. Without any tax modifiers you will need to spend 120 crowns/gold to just craft them. Additionally you will need 104.9 crowns/gold if you plan to refine all the materials. 


    If you plan to Salvage everything, reduce the primary material by 15%. In this case it is the Lumber and 15% less would mean you will need ~1,768 (312 less) than the previously 2,080. Keep in mind that Salvaging gives back a range of materials meaning you can get more back sometimes and other times could get less back making these values more of an estimate than exact values. 


    TIP: Don’t craft ammo for experience unless you want some to use. Overall it will require you to gather more raw resources due to the amount of refined resources it takes to craft ammo. This is more-so true at the higher tiers as you will always need the refined materials of the equal tier to craft the ammo. 


    Here are my reasons for the Aged Wood Fishing Pole; Lumber is easy to obtain from cutting down trees and refining it, the catch is the sandpaper which needs to be looted from containers; however you will need a refining material no matter which path you take. The alternative would be to use Steel Ingots and flux, but the value of these are higher. The leathers are used in other crafts so they will have to be gathered one way or another. The fiber for linen would be the hardest thing to obtain; but isn’t hard to gather if you look for the bright pink flowers. Below is the path I like to use most in which I gather Herbs and Fiber at the same time. I convert the Hyssop into weak potions at the end of the path with my campfire (I drop the potions on the ground too for bag space). You can also death-teleport back to town by drowning in the water once your bags are full.


    Level 100 - 150 (Tier 4 Crafting)

    You will need a total of 514,325 experience to reach level 150, which is only an additional 416,789 experience if you are following this guide. Tier 4 crafting for Engineering follows this formula for experience: [Number of Materials * 75 Experience = Experience Output]. Except Starmetal Arrows. For some reason they are 36XP per Material. 


    This is going to be very similar to the Tier 3 crafting as we will want to craft the Wyrdwood Fishing Pole which requires 14x Tier 4 Refined Wood, 3x Leather, and 2x Cloth per craft. You will need to craft 293 Wyrdwood Fishing Poles for a total of 417,525 experience. 

    Total required materials:

    · 4,102x Wyrdwood Planks

    · 879x Coarse Leather

    · 586x Linen 

    Base materials for up-crafting:

    · 65,632x Green Wood -> Timber

    · 32,816x Aged Wood -> Lumber

    · 24,612x Wyrdwood -> Wyrdwood Plank

    · 12,306x Sandpaper -> Lumber/Wyrdwood Plank

    · 3,516x Rawhide -> Coarse Leather 

    · 2,344x Fiber -> Linen


    At this point it will be impossible for you to craft all of this at the same time meaning you will have to craft these in waves due to the weight system.


    Wyrdwood Fishing Pole’s base tax value is 1.84. Without any tax modifiers you will need to spend 539.12 crowns/gold to just craft them. Additionally you will need 1,286.27 crowns/gold if you plan to refine all the materials. 


    If you plan to Salvage everything, reduce the primary material by 15%. In this case it is the Wyrdwood Planks and 15% less would mean you will need ~3,487 (615 less) than the previously 4,102. Keep in mind that Salvaging gives back a range of materials meaning you can get more back sometimes and other times could get less back making these values more of an estimate than exact values. 


    REMINDER: Don’t craft ammo for experience unless you want some to use.


    My reasons for the Wyrdwood Fishing Pole are similar to the Aged Wood Fishing Pole. Take a look at my suggested gathering path for Wyrdwood. In this area of Bright wood you have a lot of Elemental Wolves that can be logged for Wyrdwood and a lot of Wyrdwood trees that you may chop down as well! The green line is the return path I like to take, but isn’t the best route. At that point however, I am mostly looking for wolves to kill and harvest as the nodes haven’t respawned yet. 


    Level 150 - 200 (Tier 5 Crafting)

    You will need a total of 1,881,425 experience to reach level 200, which is only an additional 1,366,364 experience if you are following the guide. Tier 5 crafting for Engineering follows this formula for experience: [Number of Materials * 155 Experience = Experience Output] 


    This is going to be very similar to the Tier 3/4 crafting as we will want to craft the Ironwood Fishing Pole which requires 15x Tier 5 Refined Wood, 3x Leather, and 2x Cloth per craft. You will need to craft 441 Ironwood Fishing Poles for a total of 1,367,100 experience. 

    Total required materials:

    · 6,615x Ironwood Planks

    · 1,323x Coarse Leather

    · 882x Linen 

    Base materials for up-crafting:

    · 211,680x Green Wood -> Timber 529.2

    · 105,840x Aged Wood -> Lumber 1058.4

    · 79,380x Wyrdwood -> Wyrdwood Planks 617.4

    · 52,920x Ironwood -> Ironwood Planks 7408.8

    · 33,075x Sandpaper -> All Tiers Refining

    · 5,292x Rawhide -> Coarse Leather 

    · 3,528 Fiber -> Linen


    Weight will hinder you yet again meaning you will need to craft this in waves and not in one entire batch. 


    Ironwood Fishing Pole’s base tax value is 4.49. Without any tax modifiers you will need to spend 1980.09 crowns/gold to just craft them. Additionally you will need 9,635.85 crowns/gold if you plan to refine all the materials. 


    If you plan to Salvage everything, reduce the primary material by 15%. In this case it is the Ironwood Planks and 15% less would mean you will need ~5,623 (992 less) than the previously 6,615. 


    REMINDER: Don’t craft ammo for experience unless you want some to use.


    My reasons for the Ironwood Fishing Pole are similar to the other Fishing Poles. Take a look at my suggested gathering path for Ironwood. Valor Hold is a rather straightforward pathing that takes you back where you can store your items for later. Reekwater has a decent location as well if you are willing to spend the Azoth to teleport to the Shrine.




    Enhancing Your Engineering

    Buffs and perks are the 2 main ways to enhance your Engineering. Both have ways to stack them, but with all good things there are limitations.


    Perks are limited to item type and only being able to have 1 type of perk on the item. For example, an amulet can’t have Engineer Expertise  because it is an Armor Perk. There are always exceptions to rule; sometimes a quest item will give a named item that comes with a double perk, however none currently exist for Engineering that we know of at this time. 


    There exists an Engineering armor set that is ideal for players who want to increase the gear score value on their crafts. Players will encounter armor drops for this set from level 59+ monsters. The set only exists in Tier 4 and 5, but there is no difference between them mechanically, only visually. 




    · Engineer Expertise +2 Engineer Crafted Item Quality (No Crafted Mod) 


    · Engineer Mastery +5 Engineer Crafted Item Quality (Mod: Orichalcum Engineer's Charm)




    · Herb-Roasted Squash +10 Min/Max Gear Score for Engineering

    · Creamed Corn +12 Min/Max Gear Score for Engineering (Recipe)

    · Herb-Crusted Vegetables +15 Min/Max Gear Score for Engineering (Recipe)


    · Minor Engineering Crafting Trophy +3 Min Gear Score for Engineering

    · Basic Engineering Crafting Trophy +4 Min Gear Score for Engineering

    · Major Engineering Crafting Trophy +5 Min Gear Score for Engineering

    Engineering Level

    · Check the Gear Score & Yield Chances Guide for the exact GS break down by level

    Territory Buffs:

    · Reekwater Reduces crafting taxes by 5%

    · Engineer’s Patience +5 Min Gear Score for Engineering

    · Territory Bonuses [5-37]% Crafting taxes - Varies based on how many  points. Bonus decays at 86.5% per point


    BiS Engineering character:

    · Engineer Hat GS 500 | +2 Min/Max GS for Engineering

    · Engineer Shirt GS 500 | +2 Min/Max GS for Engineering

    · Engineer Gloves GS 500 | +2 Min/Max GS for Engineering

    · Engineer Pants GS 500 | +2 Min/Max GS for Engineering

    · Engineer Shoes GS 500 | +2 Min/Max GS for Engineering

    · Amulet GS Any | +5 Min/Max GS for Engineering

    · 3x Infused Leather Bag 600 GS | Personal selection for weight reduction

    · Level 200 +20 Min GS for T2/3/4; +75 Max GS for T2/3/4; +25 Max GS for T5


    BiS Total Stats (While Fully Buffed):

    · +30 Min/Max GS [Food +15 | Gear +15]

    · +20 Min GS for Tiers 2/3/4

    · +75 Max GS for Tiers 2/3/4

    · +25 Max GS for Tier 5

    · 42% Crafting tax reduction (Territory Buffs)

    · +2000 *Engineering Luck

    *The exact effects of engineering luck are still in the discovery phase; but is believed to increase the chances of rarity on an item. 


    Engineering Artifacts

    This section covers all the known Artifacts for Engineering and the Artifacts that are required to see them.
    Artifact crafting just requires you to have the item in your bags for the recipe to appear at the crafting station. 


    Artifacts Items (All require 200 Engineering)

    · Fragmented Musket Crafts Musket of Unseen Power

    · Withered Bough Crafts Soulforged Spear

    · Splintered Bow Crafts Warpwood

    · Broken Hatchet Crafts Axe of the Abyss


    Engineering Experience Table

    Level | Experience | Total XP  | Character XP |


    1     | 100        | 100       | 10           |

    2     | 105        | 205       | 11           |

    3     | 110        | 315       | 12           |

    4     | 115        | 430       | 13           |

    5     | 120        | 550       | 14           |

    6     | 125        | 675       | 15           |

    7     | 130        | 805       | 16           |

    8     | 135        | 940       | 17           |

    9     | 140        | 1,080     | 18           |

    10    | 145        | 1,225     | 19           |

    11    | 150        | 1,375     | 20           |

    12    | 155        | 1,530     | 21           |

    13    | 160        | 1,690     | 22           |

    14    | 165        | 1,855     | 23           |

    15    | 170        | 2,025     | 24           |

    16    | 175        | 2,200     | 26           |

    17    | 180        | 2,380     | 28           |

    18    | 185        | 2,565     | 30           |

    19    | 190        | 2,755     | 32           |

    20    | 195        | 2,950     | 34           |

    21    | 200        | 3,150     | 36           |

    22    | 205        | 3,355     | 38           |

    23    | 210        | 3,565     | 40           |

    24    | 215        | 3,780     | 42           |

    25    | 220        | 4,000     | 44           |

    26    | 225        | 4,225     | 46           |

    27    | 230        | 4,455     | 48           |

    28    | 235        | 4,690     | 50           |

    29    | 240        | 4,930     | 52           |

    30    | 245        | 5,175     | 54           |

    31    | 250        | 5,425     | 56           |

    32    | 255        | 5,680     | 58           |

    33    | 260        | 5,940     | 60           |

    34    | 265        | 6,205     | 62           |

    35    | 270        | 6,475     | 64           |

    36    | 275        | 6,750     | 66           |

    37    | 280        | 7,030     | 68           |

    38    | 285        | 7,315     | 70           |

    39    | 290        | 7,605     | 72           |

    40    | 295        | 7,900     | 74           |

    41    | 300        | 8,200     | 77           |

    42    | 305        | 8,505     | 80           |

    43    | 310        | 8,815     | 83           |

    44    | 315        | 9,130     | 86           |

    45    | 320        | 9,450     | 89           |

    46    | 325        | 9,775     | 92           |

    47    | 330        | 10,105    | 95           |

    48    | 335        | 10,440    | 98           |

    49    | 340        | 10,780    | 101          |

    50    | 345        | 11,125    | 104          |

    51    | 500        | 11,625    | 108          |

    52    | 550        | 12,175    | 112          |

    53    | 600        | 12,775    | 116          |

    54    | 650        | 13,425    | 120          |

    55    | 700        | 14,125    | 124          |

    56    | 750        | 14,875    | 128          |

    57    | 800        | 15,675    | 132          |

    58    | 850        | 16,525    | 136          |

    59    | 900        | 17,425    | 140          |

    60    | 950        | 18,375    | 144          |

    61    | 1,000      | 19,375    | 148          |

    62    | 1,050      | 20,425    | 152          |

    63    | 1,100      | 21,525    | 156          |

    64    | 1,150      | 22,675    | 160          |

    65    | 1,200      | 23,875    | 164          |

    66    | 1,250      | 25,125    | 168          |

    67    | 1,300      | 26,425    | 172          |

    68    | 1,350      | 27,775    | 176          |

    69    | 1,400      | 29,175    | 180          |

    70    | 1,450      | 30,625    | 184          |

    71    | 1,500      | 32,125    | 188          |

    72    | 1,550      | 33,675    | 192          |

    73    | 1,600      | 35,275    | 196          |

    74    | 1,650      | 36,925    | 200          |

    75    | 1,700      | 38,625    | 204          |

    76    | 1,750      | 40,375    | 209          |

    77    | 1,800      | 42,175    | 214          |

    78    | 1,850      | 44,025    | 219          |

    79    | 1,900      | 45,925    | 224          |

    80    | 1,950      | 47,875    | 229          |

    81    | 2,000      | 49,875    | 234          |

    82    | 2,050      | 51,925    | 239          |

    83    | 2,100      | 54,025    | 244          |

    84    | 2,150      | 56,175    | 249          |

    85    | 2,200      | 58,375    | 254          |

    86    | 2,250      | 60,625    | 259          |

    87    | 2,300      | 62,925    | 264          |

    88    | 2,350      | 65,275    | 269          |

    89    | 2,400      | 67,675    | 274          |

    90    | 2,450      | 70,125    | 279          |

    91    | 2,500      | 72,625    | 284          |

    92    | 2,550      | 75,175    | 289          |

    93    | 2,600      | 77,775    | 294          |

    94    | 2,650      | 80,425    | 299          |

    95    | 2,700      | 83,125    | 304          |

    96    | 2,750      | 85,875    | 309          |

    97    | 2,800      | 88,675    | 314          |

    98    | 2,850      | 91,525    | 319          |

    99    | 2,900      | 94,425    | 324          |

    100   | 2,950      | 97,375    | 329          |

    101   | 3,534      | 100,909   | 335          |

    102   | 3,720      | 104,629   | 341          |

    103   | 3,906      | 108,535   | 347          |

    104   | 4,092      | 112,627   | 353          |

    105   | 4,278      | 116,905   | 359          |

    106   | 4,464      | 121,369   | 365          |

    107   | 4,650      | 126,019   | 371          |

    108   | 4,836      | 130,855   | 377          |

    109   | 5,022      | 135,877   | 383          |

    110   | 5,208      | 141,085   | 389          |

    111   | 5,394      | 146,479   | 395          |

    112   | 5,580      | 152,059   | 401          |

    113   | 5,766      | 157,825   | 407          |

    114   | 5,952      | 163,777   | 413          |

    115   | 6,138      | 169,915   | 419          |

    116   | 6,324      | 176,239   | 425          |

    117   | 6,510      | 182,749   | 431          |

    118   | 6,696      | 189,445   | 437          |

    119   | 6,882      | 196,327   | 443          |

    120   | 7,068      | 203,395   | 449          |

    121   | 7,254      | 210,649   | 455          |

    122   | 7,440      | 218,089   | 461          |

    123   | 7,626      | 225,715   | 467          |

    124   | 7,812      | 233,527   | 473          |

    125   | 7,998      | 241,525   | 479          |

    126   | 8,184      | 249,709   | 486          |

    127   | 8,370      | 258,079   | 493          |

    128   | 8,556      | 266,635   | 500          |

    129   | 8,742      | 275,377   | 507          |

    130   | 8,928      | 284,305   | 514          |

    131   | 9,114      | 293,419   | 521          |

    132   | 9,300      | 302,719   | 528          |

    133   | 9,486      | 312,205   | 535          |

    134   | 9,672      | 321,877   | 542          |

    135   | 9,858      | 331,735   | 549          |

    136   | 10,044     | 341,779   | 556          |

    137   | 10,230     | 352,009   | 563          |

    138   | 10,416     | 362,425   | 570          |

    139   | 10,602     | 373,027   | 577          |

    140   | 10,788     | 383,815   | 584          |

    141   | 10,974     | 394,789   | 591          |

    142   | 11,160     | 405,949   | 598          |

    143   | 11,346     | 417,295   | 605          |

    144   | 11,532     | 428,827   | 612          |

    145   | 11,718     | 440,545   | 619          |

    146   | 11,904     | 452,449   | 626          |

    147   | 12,090     | 464,539   | 633          |

    148   | 12,276     | 476,815   | 640          |

    149   | 12,462     | 489,277   | 647          |

    150   | 12,648     | 501,925   | 654          |

    151   | 12,400     | 514,325   | 661          |

    152   | 13,020     | 527,345   | 668          |

    153   | 13,640     | 540,985   | 675          |

    154   | 14,260     | 555,245   | 682          |

    155   | 14,880     | 570,125   | 689          |

    156   | 15,500     | 585,625   | 696          |

    157   | 16,120     | 601,745   | 703          |

    158   | 16,740     | 618,485   | 710          |

    159   | 17,360     | 635,845   | 717          |

    160   | 17,980     | 653,825   | 724          |

    161   | 18,600     | 672,425   | 732          |

    162   | 19,220     | 691,645   | 740          |

    163   | 19,840     | 711,485   | 748          |

    164   | 20,460     | 731,945   | 756          |

    165   | 21,080     | 753,025   | 764          |

    166   | 21,700     | 774,725   | 772          |

    167   | 22,320     | 797,045   | 780          |

    168   | 22,940     | 819,985   | 788          |

    169   | 23,560     | 843,545   | 796          |

    170   | 24,180     | 867,725   | 804          |

    171   | 24,800     | 892,525   | 812          |

    172   | 25,420     | 917,945   | 820          |

    173   | 26,040     | 943,985   | 828          |

    174   | 26,660     | 970,645   | 836          |

    175   | 27,280     | 997,925   | 844          |

    176   | 27,900     | 1,025,825 | 853          |

    177   | 28,520     | 1,054,345 | 862          |

    178   | 29,140     | 1,083,485 | 871          |

    179   | 29,760     | 1,113,245 | 880          |

    180   | 30,380     | 1,143,625 | 889          |

    181   | 31,000     | 1,174,625 | 898          |

    182   | 31,620     | 1,206,245 | 907          |

    183   | 32,240     | 1,238,485 | 916          |

    184   | 32,860     | 1,271,345 | 925          |

    185   | 33,480     | 1,304,825 | 934          |

    186   | 34,100     | 1,338,925 | 943          |

    187   | 34,720     | 1,373,645 | 952          |

    188   | 35,340     | 1,408,985 | 961          |

    189   | 35,960     | 1,444,945 | 970          |

    190   | 36,580     | 1,481,525 | 979          |

    191   | 37,200     | 1,518,725 | 989          |

    192   | 37,820     | 1,556,545 | 999          |

    193   | 38,440     | 1,594,985 | 1,009        |

    194   | 39,060     | 1,634,045 | 1,019        |

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